December 1, 2012 Ponoka, Alberta
Average |
11 Bred Heifers |
$3,932 |
17 Heifer Calves |
$2,659 |
1 Flush |
$3,000 |
29 Lots |
$3,154 |
Auctioneer: Don Savage
Sale Manager: Don Savage Auctions
The Wish List Sale was again a highlight in the Gelbvieh breed with top quality cattle consigned. These excellent genetics sold in to the three prairie provinces and the United States. The day was full of activities with the Annual meeting of Gelbvieh Association of Alberta/ BC, the Commercial Heifer Pen Show, the Jackpot Bull Show, the Awards Banquets and the Wish List Sale.
V&V Farms , Redcliff, AB consigned the high selling female, a bred heifer VV 79Y sired by ATC Gold Star Polled 5D and out their powerful VV 90P dam. She sold to Doug Meng, Troy, Kansas for $6,750.00
Tower View Ranch, Medicine Hat, AB chose to add in to their program JOE 419Y from Jonus Cattle, Airdrie, AB for $5,000.00. 419Y is a daughter of DVE Davidson Tex 106W and FLAD Whiskey Girl 116W. She sold bred to CK Superior 96X.
Brittain Farms, Falun, AB consigned a very popular bred heifer, CK Shakra 15Y, a daughter of WGG Just Get-N-Go 90J, out of RWG Target sired dam and bred to DL Jen-Ty Fearless 41Y. BNH Livestock, Innisfail, AB added this top quality female into their herd at $ 5,000.00
Alan & Gail Richardson , Elm Creek,MB selected VV 137Y for their program at $ 4,800.00. 137Y consigned by V & V Farms is a daughter of VV Whistle and out of a great producing Goodview dam.
Doug Meng, Troy, Kansas also chose two outstanding black heifer calves from Rocky Top Gelbvieh, Mirror, AB for $5,000.00 each. RTG Z209 and RTG Z 332 are both sired by the National Champion Bull, RWG Royal Reserve.
The Birch Family offered a choice on two outstanding heifer calves AWB 19Z and SA 47Z. V & V Farms, Redcliff, AB selected SA Birch's Wruffle 47Z for $4,500.00. She is sired by SPUR Beretta and out of the VV Wruffle Me dam.
Stone Gate Farm, Vermilion, AB supplied this year's donation heifer. She was won by Cordy Cox, Tatla Lake, BC.
Thank you to everyone for a successful sale.